13 Herbal Cure for alleviating symptoms of Malaria

Traditional home remedies and home cures to alleviate symptoms of malaria.
Prescribed cures to alleviate malaria symptoms. There are no home cures for malaria other than quinine or artemisinin based prescriptions which should be prescribed by doctors.
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Warning: Malaria is a serious condition – Always consult a doctor. Home cure for malaria prescribed here are in addition to and not a substitute for professional medical check-up.
Improper treatment of malaria may lead to allied complications like anemia, dysentery, kidney failure and enchaphalitis, coma and other profound alteration of general condition. Malaria is a major cause of death in Africa and third world countries.
The natural cures mentioned here only intend to alleviate the allied symptoms of malaria. Use these in addition to and not as a substitute for professional medical advice.

What is Malaria? Malaria is an infectious disease characterized by colonization of red blood cells in our body by a parasite called plasmodium. Plasmodium is carried by female anopheles mosquito and it reaches into blood when this mosquito bites a human. Once the parasite enters the body, it multiplies in the liver and then affects the red blood cells.
Malaria is widespread in tropical and sub tropical regions of the world, where the anopheles mosquitoes thrive.
Agents of Malaria: Round 80% of malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium falciparum which has a lifespan of 2 months. Other less common agents of malaria include Plasmodium vivax: ( 3 years, but less serious), Plasmodium Ovale: (3 years) and Plasmodium Malariae which is rare and mild form of malaria with a life span of 10 years or more. Variants of malaria include tertian fever, quartan fever and malignant tertian fever.
Malaria Incubation period: Malaria generally lasts for round 8 to 20 days (max 2 months) after the bite of incubation. This period is characterized by febrile seizures every 2 -4 days. Malarial infection is also characterized by swings between apparent recovery and worsening of conditions.
Causes of Malaria | Symptoms of Malaria |
Treatment of Malaria is a specialized service which must be administered under supervision of doctors.
Quinine or artemisinin based rugs have bad side effects like loss of appetite, weakness, loss of immunity, intestinal problems, depression and liver problems.
Home cure for alleviating symptoms of malaria
1) Cold Pack: Apply cold pack to keep the temperatures down. Take a long sheet of cloth and dip in water and wrap it around the whole body. Let it stay for at least ten minutes and this can be done three times a day to get rid of high temperatures.2) Clean surrounding: The surroundings should be kept clean. Water should not be allowed to stagnate as it provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Make sure there is a mosquito net to prevent mosquito bites.

3) Warm water: Drink warm water frequently during the day to cleanse the bowels system and to keep the body hydrated, which helps in proper functioning of the body.

4) Basil leaves: Juice of holy basil leaves bring down fever. Basil leaves contain two vital flavonoids named vicenin and orientin which protect damages to blood cells. In addition, holy basil leaves contains oils like cineol, estragole and linalool, which have vital anti bacterial properties. All these properties make it an effective home cure to alleviate symptoms of malaria.
A decoction prepared by boiling leaves of holy basil and black pepper powder or powdered cardamom in half a liter of water is effective in
bringing down body temperature. The decoction can be mixed with sugar to make it more palatable.

5) Cinnamon: Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde which has mild anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties which help alleviate allied symptoms of malaria like loss of appetite, nausea, indigestion, cramps and spasms. Cinnamon provides relief from many allied symptoms of malaria. Coarsely powder one teaspoon of cinnamon , boil in water , add a pinch of black pepper powder and honey.

6) Grapefruit: Grapefruit extract contains natural quinine substance beneficial for curing malaria. Boil a quarter of grapefruit and strain its pulp. This can be taken up to twice a day in addition to the normal course of treatment.

7) Alum: Alum should be roasted over hot plate and powdered, half a teaspoon of the powder taken about four hours before the expected attack and half a teaspoon every two hours after it, for relief.

8) Fever nut: Fever nut seeds are very effective home cure for malaria. About six grams of the seeds can be taken with a glass of water two hours before the onset of fever, and another after one hour of attack.
9) Chirayata: Chirayata is a natural analgesic and helps in reducing fever. An infusion made by steeping 15gms of chirayata in 250 ml of hot water and add cloves, cinnamon to the water, can be given in doses of 15 to 30 ml.

10) Datura: Datura leaves are very useful in the tertian malarial fever. About two and half new leaves of datura ,should be mixed with jaggery and taken as a pill two hours before the onset of fever.

11) Lime and lemon: They are very useful home cure for quartan malarial fever. Three grams of lime must be dissolved in 60ml of water and juice of one lemon should be added to it. This mix should be taken before the onset of fever.

12) Fenugreek seeds: Fenugreek seeds have antibiotic properties helpful in treating malaria. The seeds help in building immunity and fighting malaria, this can be included in the diet to treat malaria. Dry and powder the seeds and mix in water to drink. Drink this mix for a week to get rid of malaria.

13) Ginger: Add ginger and raisins to one glass of water and boil this into a decoction and can be consumed ,after it cools down . Ginger root can be cut , a piece can be used with every 3 tablespoon of raisins.
Diet: The diet of the patient is very important during the treatment of malaria. Initially, the patient should go on fast of orange juice and water for a few days, till the fever is severe.
After the fever has subsided, the patient should take only fresh fruits for a few days. Milk can be added to this diet. Then the patient may start a well balance diet with emphasis on fresh fruits, raw vegetables and natural foods.
Avoid intake of processed foods, refined and canned foods, as they don’t have the necessary nutrients to keep the body healthy.
I hope this will help you....