Natural Herbal treatment for Tuberculosis
TB may be caused when a person pricks himself with anything infested with the germ or through inhalation of dust particles mixed with the microbes. Tuberculosis is caused by tiny germs called Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Tubercle bacillus.
The germ enters the body through nose, mouth or the windpipe and settles downs in the lungs, multiplying at a rapid speed.
Tubercle bacillus then produces raised spots called tubercles inside the lungs. These spots become suppurate as the disease advances.
While tuberculosis may affect any part of the body, they generally affect the lungs, bones, membranes of the brain (leading to meningitis), intestine and glands (scrofula).
Tuberculosis of Lungs (pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis) is the most common type of tuberculosis It is a contagious disease.
Causes of Tuberculosis
Mineral starvation of the body tissues is cited as the primary cause of tuberculosis.Supressing of malaria, cold and catarrh also lead to tuberculosis.But the main cause of tuberculosis is a weakened constitution and loss of body resistance.
Lower resistance may be caused by any or all of the following factors:
Long period of ill health
Heredity factor
Unhealthy environment
Excessive use of intoxicants
Overindulgence in sex
Metabolic diseases like diabetes
Symptoms of Tuberculosis
Symptoms of tuberculosis depend upon the body part affected by the microbe.
Symptoms of Pulmonary tuberculosis
Persistent cough and hoarseness
Discharge of blood in the phlegm
Trouble in breathing
Chest pain indicating the involvement of pleura
Symptoms of tuberculosis of intestines
Distension of the stomach
Impairment of digestion
Loss of appetite and appearance of digestive disorders
Constipation: if small intestine is infected
Diahorrea: if large intestine is infected.
General symptoms
Pain in shoulders
Loss of vigor, emaciation and rapid weight loss
Body becomes pale
High body temperature- especially in the evening
Natural cures for tuberculosis
The treatment must start with the isolation of the patient or by removing him to sanatorium, if it has been detected in advanced stage.
Precribed natural cures:
Non pasteurized Milk: TB is generally associated with depletion of natural Calcium in the body. Calcium is the main therapeutic agent needed for treatment of TB and raw milk is the richest source of organic calcium.
Custard apple + seedless raisins: The pulp of one custard apple mixed with 15 seedless raisins should be slowly boiled in water till most of the water has evaporated. The leftovers should be mixed with one tea spoon of powdered sugar candy and pinch of cardamom and cinnamon. 2 teaspoons of this concoction taken thrice a day helps rejuvenate the body is regarded as one of the most effective natural cures for tuberculosis.Alternatively, a ready made ayurvedic concoction of custard apple named sitaphalasava is prescribed.
Garlic: Twenty grains of garlic with six ounces of milk and two pounds water boiled till it reduces to a quarter of the original quantity, given in two doses during the day is used widely in Ayurveda as a natural remedy for TB.
Indian gooseberry: 1 tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice with honey, taken in the morning promotes vitality and increases body resistance to fight TB germs.
Pineapple: Aids in dissolving mucus and is effective in treatment of tuberculosis.
Green Banana: Juice of green banana is used by many naturopaths in curing TB, I have used it several times and it works perfectly.
Dried fruits: particularly dried grapes and almond are used to vitalize the body for curing TB.
Orange Juice: Orange juice with a pinch of salt alleviates expectoration and protects the body from further infections.
Mint: One tea spoon fresh juice of mint with equal amount of honey, half tea spoon amount of pure malt vinegar mixed in half a glass of carrot juice helps develop body resistance against tubercle bacillus.
Herbs for tuberculosis treatment
Ash Gourd: Pulp of the fruit is boiled while constantly adding sugar syrup till it hardens into a delicous sweet.Used to cure general debility and o increase weight in tuberculosis.
Celery (Scientific name: Apium graveolens, Indian name: Ajwain ka patta or Ajmod): Celery has an antispasmodic property which is used specially for curing pulmonary TB
Linseed: 1 table spoon of powdered linseed soaked overnight in a glass of water served in the morning with lime juice is used to counter the ill effects of TB
Marigold: Used for treatment of scrofula or the TB of glands
Winter Cherry: Decoction made of root of winter cherry, honey and long pepper is used to treat pulmonary TB and scrofula. long term use is not recommended as the root has narcotic properties.
Recommended diet
Plenty of milk, pulses especially black gram, butter, eggs, gourds of various varieties, beetroot, spinach,onion, raw green vegetables, wholemeal bread and fruits.
Food to be avoided
White bread, white sugar
Refined cereals
Curd, buttermilk
Ripe banana & Guava
Food with preservatives
Tea, Coffee and alcohol
Condiments like pickles, sauces
All devitalizing foods
Other recommendations
Take regular sunbath. Sunlight is extremely important as TB germs are highly susceptible to direct sunlight.
Do deep breathing and relaxation exercises
Live in fresh, airy and clean environment
Hot epsom slat bath twice a week helps the healing process
Sexual intercourse should be avoided if it aggravates condition.
Hard physical or mental labor